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Daily Writings


The universe expands and contracts and does this cycle for infinity. When it expands, everything is exactly as it is now, with the possibility of change. Every mistake I have ever made, I will live through at my next pass, and I will keep repeating this every time. Again, and again, and again So in […]
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Good idea who am i?

People have been asking me lately what do I at www.wheelsofthemind.com ? Here goes: I am a perception exorcist I am a belief equalizer I am an energetic healer I am life strategist I help you dissolve fears, meet your perceptions head on and assist you to break down self limiting beliefs. I help you […]
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Full moon October 2018

The magical Hunter’s Full Moon arrives in the midst of a beautiful autumn foliage. The energy of the moon is at its highest when it is full due to its powerful electromagnetic fields that are created as they interact with our electromagnetic fields. Our DNA holds most of our vast ancient wisdom within our
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