Home 2020 June

Archive: June 2020


What ever you may do today… Make sure you do one thing consistently… Speak YOUR truth not someone else’s idea of the truth or a hearsay idea of a truth Speak YOUR truth TRUTH is the path to self MASTERY Self MASTERY is the path to self LOVE BE the truth you think, speak or […]
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I love you

I have been asked by many why do I write “I love you” at the end of all my posts. I realized that I have been doing that for the better part of 10 years. I always seem to end with “ I love you” So I asked myself that vey question as to why […]
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Challenges are needed

It is easy to get dejected and upset when faced with difficult times financially, emotionally, in a relationship, in a job, during an illness. I sometimes feel that not enough faith was the cause of my suffering. Or perhaps karma was the cause. Yet again numerous other societal and cultural ideas come to play as
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Energetic months ahead

There is magic all around us. This emanates from within and around the cosmos. We are embarking on a beautiful mission of awakening that began long ago. We are engulfed by the cosmic rays from the very center of our galaxy, the stars, the planets, and all the celestial bodies as we are tightly embraced […]
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