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Archive: 2019

Why are we eating junk food?

Have you ever wondered why junk food is so less expensive than healthier organic wholesome nutritious foods? Rather why is nutritious wholesome food that is readily available grown from the earth we stand on and abundant so expensive. At airports I can buy french fries for a $1 yet some fruit for $6. It just […]
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Trust believe act

An interesting observation with profound mind blowing insights So my 4year old is standing on the kitchen center island and I right next to it. Suddenly she looks and me and jumps into my arms. No warning no communication. I of course catch her. I was surprised but she had no fear. She had confidence. […]
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Wine bottles

Love Saw these bottles at a wedding recently. Love is not the wine but the bottle shared among friends. Love is the magic that connects and binds us to our planet, our home and our friends. Love is the energy that flows between every one of us . Love is the creation of each of […]
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Diets don’t work

I am pleased to announce that I was able to complete my one month diet plan in less than 24 hours. Let that sink in. Most diets will not get you where you want to go and most of them are non sustaining in the long term. Sure there are short term gains. Abs, butt, […]
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