To be loved When I have been wronged by someone it is so easy to judge, get bitter, and become unforgiving. All I know is how I feel. The anger, […]Read more
You may have been told that you have a limited mind by those who fail to see that you have a limitless heart. They usually are the ones observing their […]Read more
Life’s complexities are challenges to be overcome and climbed over, and not obstacles to be avoided and circumvented… Have an awesome day ! ………….. I love youRead more
” Never forget who we are and where we have come from, and from time to time, look up at the stars and remember “- Dr Nitin Bhatnagar …………………. I […]Read more
IMPERFECT Apostrophes are like little “pauses” of the English grammar. They are meant to show possession when used correctly. Look at the word above. IMPERFECT. The state of not being […]Read more
Connection or attachment It is important to discern the difference between connection and attachment. These words are used in the spoken language as if there were no different. Yet this […]Read more
Welcome to the Summer Solstice of 2021. It is a magical time in the air on this day filled with ancient mystery and wisdom of what the elders dating back […]Read more
Went for another open water swim with some amazing athletes last night. Water was still cold and the wet suit tried to keep me warm, but the chill rose up […]Read more
What ever you may do today… Make sure you do one thing consistently… Speak YOUR truth not someone else’s idea of the truth or a hearsay idea of a truth […]Read more
Have you? Have you listened to the song of the wind breathing ideas in your direction? Have you felt the earth below your feet supporting your goals? Have you seen […]Read more