Home 2019 February 11 Do today

Do today

” I am going to do today what other people are not willing to do.
I am going to do tomorrow what other people can’t”- Matt Fraser. ( Top Mens Crossfit athletes in the world)

I love this quote.



Determined .


When we create an intention and push past our fears and those of others we begin to manifest that which we truly hold value and desire. It is with the honesty of understanding who we are and where we intend to go, that creates the path through the fabric of time and space. We literally carve it out energetically.

Invariably it is the smallness of others based in fear and anxiety that we take on as our own and hold us back from our true potential. A child is born fearless and will try anything and everything and so will learn from each step, crawl and fall. They discover their limit thresholds and what they can push past safely. Yet as the child grows up the constant background noise of cautionary tales by the supervising adults overrides their innate value and drive to explore freely and they hold the imbalanced fears of others into their emotional reservoir and DNA.

When we have moved passed these injected value system of others and begin to embark on our own journey, we then advance our circle of awareness and influence to a much higher degree. We do not stay small or hidden. We envision bigger dreams to create for ourselves and for humanity. That is when we are able to do what others dare not to do. It is the action steps to look past our fears, plan for contingencies for the worst and prepare for them that sparks the magic of our divine DNA to create all that can possibly be.

Be who you were born to be. And not what others think that you should become.

That is self empowerment.
I love you

Author: Brown Knight

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