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Archive: 2015

Miracles do happen

Miracles do happen We wait for the holy season of Christmas, Hanukah or any number of religious holy holidays to look for miracles to happen. Movies about the same that occur on christmas time are abound, all instilling a warm feeling of magic in the air and the possibilities that anything can happen. Yet what
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Being on hold

Being on hold Ring, Ring Ring ” Hello please stay on the line for the next available operator” And so the wait begins…. How much time do we spend day to day on the phone and on hold waiting for our party to be reached. How much time do we spend day to day waiting […]
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Think, love, play

Think,love &play If you have not seen the movie with Julia Roberts titled Eat Love and Pray, it is a must see for any adult in a fog, wishing to lose themselves and find themselves once again. It is one of those”  feel good “movies and continues to inspire many to come out of their […]
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Updating your software

Updating your software We ( our spirits ) are born with a freshly installed software package right out of the box. Over the course of time this  software gets corrupted with false ideas, hurtful beliefs and obsolete notions just like  cookies, spam, and miscellaneous out of date versions. In later years your mind
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Opposites attract

Opposites Attract Throughout the universe we have innumerable examples of polarities of objects, forces and energies, all of which have their exact opposite. A positive for a negative, light and dark, male and female, big and small, hot and cold, up and down, right and left and so the list goes on. Yet there are
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