Among the clouds Late one rainy afternoon I took a flight for a short trip. The jet roared off the runway and we ascended rapidly. Looking out of […]Read more
Traffic light woes Every day I reach a traffic light at an intersection. This is nothing new to anyone who sits behind the wheel of a moving vehicle. […]Read more
Why me? The age old question when something does not go our way or is unexpected. Why me? Usually this is dependent on a bad experience as it […]Read more
Building your immunity Winter is here and with no end in sight, it is tiresome to those non snow boarding loving enthusiasts. The endless bone chilling cold days […]Read more
Laughter is the best medicine We hear the sound of laughter in the next room, it makes us smile. We see a child laughing their little head off […]Read more
Last Call It is closing time, the bar tender calls out asking if anyone wants another drink. The conductor blows his whistle one last time before the doors […]Read more
Amnesia, Oh I miss thee! As a child I used to run and climb trees carefree of whether I would fall down or hurt myself. I would create art or […]Read more
The Ultimate Chess game Black knight takes white Rook, White Queen takes black knight, Check Mate. Game over. If you have ever played the game of chess, it […]Read more
Second Guessing The clock is ticking down and you are down to the last few questions on your test. You quickly circle choice as B and move on […]Read more
Going Golfing If you have never played golf, then it is a sport worth trying to learn. You will be probably be in the learning phase for your […]Read more