We are at a time of a great rewiring of our minds and consciousness as the shifts on a planetary and celestial level occur expediently
Cosmic gateways pop up to assist us during our ascension process. We just had the 10/10 gateway and now we have the 11/11 portal is available for access.
Sacred Symbols are the part of the ancient path of alchemy of spiritual transformation and expansion and so is this gateway of 11 11
When we see this number, it triggers DNA cellular encodings that brings about awakening awareness. 1 represents the new beginning.. an initiation to new ideas and inspiration allowing light in to our bodies helping transmutation
11 represents the pillars of this transformation of a gateway that opens us up to higher dimensions of learning and wisdom
In sacred geometry it is the 11:11 representing balance of male and female, of intention and intuition that brings illumination
In ancient worlds there were master key code numbers like 11, 22, 33, 88 that was believed to be messages from divine spirit that helped influence human life…. channels to higher consciousness
See the number 1 as a column connecting the spiritual and physical realms… feel that beautiful vibrant field of light all around us as it guides, nourishes, and sustains us
Blessings on this 11/11 day
I love you
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