Home 2020 October 03 Darkness and light together

Darkness and light together

Each of us holds a love for the deep darkness within us. We yearn to release it into the world with pomp and pride. It lies secretly for some and more transparent in others but yet each of us have this mystical awareness of our shadows that lay in the dormancy of our minds.

Each of us holds a love for the deep light within us. We yearn to release it into the world for all to see with humility and grace. It lies secretly for some and more transparent in others, but yet each of us have this magical awareness of our brilliance that lay in the dormancy of our hearts.

We are both light and dark and it in this blending that we uncover our shadows and gifts. When we sit with this ethereal mixture we discover the fertile grounds of our shadows that can transform back into the light. We continually oscillate in this spectrum as our mindsets shift like the swinging of the mortal pendulum of our thoughts.

The beauty is in having this understanding that we are in fact both, and we cannot eliminate one or the other, yet embrace our darkness and light equally . When we own and welcome the shadow frequencies they soften into the light. When we deny and disown the light frequencies they harden into the shadows.

It is in loving both sides simultaneously we ready ourselves to dance free. Show off your dark side, it is sexy. Show off your lighter side, it is beautiful .

Your powerful ally

DR Bhatnagar


I love you

Author: Brown Knight

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