Archive: May 2020

Dare to be you

I DARE to be ME today (ME= somebody who i have never been before today ) Do you DARE to step into your authenticity and be the best version of yourself that you may have never yet experienced? Integrity Accountability Responsibility Vulnerability Honest These are just some of the traits of being completely
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Words have emotions

Emotions or states of being carry different frequencies with in our bodies, hearts, minds and our soul auric fields . They resonate at different vibrational harmonics bringing about different responses in thoughts, words, actions To change your outer world you have to change your inner world….. to donthis
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Collective consciousness

Learning point 261 Collective consciousness What is collective consciousness? It has been articulated by many authors and also explained as being a part of a collective unconscious. Apart from the individual consciousness it has been theorized that there lies an invisible field of knowledge and memories that
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Flower full moon

As the night approaches so does something even more powerful. The Full moon energy summons our emotions to be faced. It not just asks but demands us to sort through our energetics of old wounds, hurts, traumas and become authentic to who we are. This is the last of the Supermoons for 2020. And wha […]
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Synchronous loss

CORONAVIRUS to CONSCIOUSNESS Perspectives from the Intuitive Cardiologist At the office there were some hard conversations taking place. The decisions were being made and the options of temporary unemployment or cutting back hours were being presented. The faces were heavy with the uninvited choices that were
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How are you?

CORONAVIRUS to CONSCIOUSNESS Perspectives from the Intuitive Cardiologist. There is tremendous kindness in the world. When I see patients in the office, I get the customary “hello and how are you ” by the patient, and it is not until we have discussed their concerns that I get from them the sigh of
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New book

How do you feel with this lockdown? Is it getting you down? Is it frustrating? Is it confusing? I have felt the same …. I decided to explore these issues further so wrote a book “Don’t just survive but thrive in a lockdown” Perspectives from the Intuitive Cardiologist Goto
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Spring poem

Spring cometh to fill my heart It warms the air and fills my senses The ground is alive with the promise of renewal The whispers of the wind serenade my ears telling me of the beauty of today The leaves reveal their magic of a time once forgotten The grass reply with the hope of […]
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