Practical tips #1326


How to?


It is very easy to declare that this is a path to follow. It is much harder for someone to take the first steps in that direction. The journey of a 1000 steps doesn’t always begin with taking that first step, it begins with letting go of the 1000 fears that prevent you from taking that first step. This takes courage and faith not just in the universe but in yourself such that you can move forward.


Many journeys will require you to take a few or many steps backwards or sideways in order for you to leap forward in bounds that were formerly unimaginable. Trust.


So How do you get to those higher vibrational frequencies of love, peace, happiness etc? You get it by systematically attacking and confronting all the negative and lower vibrational frequencies. When each one has been embraced, the darkness has no hold on you, and what is left is positive emotions. Right? Simple?


HA !! The hardest thing for a human being to do is change, despite the fact that change is the only constant in life and death. So lets break it down. When you are angry ( a very strong emotion) there is a reason. There is always a reason. This anger needs to be broken down further.


Who are you angry at?

Why were you angry at that situation or person?

What did you do to make that situation unfold in such a way that you did not like it thereby resulting in your anger?

Have you been angry before?

Was it the same level of anger?

Was it the same TRIGGER?

What was the trigger?

Was your response appropriate for what you believe was the infraction?

How could you have dealt with it differently?

Was there a genuine reason as to why you got angry or did you miss the other persons perspective?

What can be done to repair the circumstance?

What can be done to prevent that circumstance?


When you question your darkness it has no answers as it stems from an unbalanced mind. When you answer the above questions you realize that perhaps things aren’t what they seem and restores you back to balance. Once this happens the charge of that EMOTION is diffused and so you are calmer to “see” things as they are and people for who they are and a situation for what it is.


E.g. My son runs around and knocks down some paint onto the floor. I have a choice to get angry. I am getting raged because he is being careless, and now has made more work for me to do and clean up. My time is being wasted. I have a 1000 other chores to do and only one hour to do them and this will take 45min. I am angry, I shout, I scream and belittle him. I am furious and I continue to show my superiority as I am angry. Time spent. 45min yelling. Clean up time not done.


Now another scenario after the paint has fallen. I see the paint on the floor. I have a choice not to be angry and resolve the issue. My emotions and unbalanced mind remind me that I must yell at him and teach him a lesson( btw dumbest thing ever…. you can’t t teach a child in fear of what is going to happen to him about ANYTHING.. their brains shut off). Ok lets continue. Go down that list of questions.This has happened before. Except with juice. Ok paint is worse, but do i need to escalate my anger. No. Is it appropriate to berate him? No. Is my yelling doing anything to teach him not to do it again? No. Is it going to get clean up down faster? No. I am angry as I think I am all important and my time is precious… Hmmm… ok why am I so self important… because my ego says so ( irrational ) Why is my time so important? Because I wanted to finish chores and do MY work…. hmmm… so yelling is going to make me feel better to declare to a smaller person that I am better than them as I have more “important ” things to do and my time is more valuable!! My time is valuable as what i am really angry and upset about is that I wanted to do MY work that makes ME feel better and now I am being taken away from that.. because that work may bring me happiness or more money…. so lack of time, lack of doing my work all will stop me from my success.. Yes you are thinking ok now you are totally taking this too far. Let me assure you that this is EXACTLY how an unbalanced mind rationalizes this kind of BS. And in a split millisecond processes all of this and results in anger, hate, frustration, disappointment, anxiety, fear and those were just the thoughts. These will result in bad word scolding, and perhaps physical grabbing or hitting. Emotions…thoughts…words.. actions.


Instead I could notice the paint fell, take a quick breath. Pause. Rationalize the advantages and disadvantages in a split second, balance and get back to the task of clean up. The advantages of being calmer is that my child will see that no matter how stressful a situation there is an ALTERNATIVE route to anger. The child is more likely to engage in helping with clean up. Took half the time and still I was able to complete my chores and get back on track. Disadvantages perhaps the carpet got spoiled. Ok things can get cleaned up, but in the end they are things. ( figure out why the trigger of something getting spoiled bothers you.. money wasted, shortage of funds to fix problem etc.. and see through it and work out the problem) Yet now my son realizes that perhaps one doesn’t need to be possessive about materialistic things as they are perishable and tangible and sees the value in not doing it again and preserving the value for what it is. I.e. Being more careful. I see this as a win win.


Now I took anger as an example as it is a very strong emotion. The resultant of this is hate. WE “hate ” people for what we “perceive ” them doing things to us or situations for making us “feel” uncomfortable. Yet it is in the failure and discomfort where we grow the most and so inherently we have to experience many of these lower frequency emotions in order to grow. But we don’t have to STAY in those emotional states.


We all have triggers daily and accumulate them over a lifetime.


There are some very key low frequency vibrational frequencies that need resolution such as anger, grief, sorrow, frustration, aversion, fear,, anxiety that are precursors for depression, apathy etc.


Find the trigger for the key frequencies and resolve them.


When you start clearing a few, just a few of these lower frequencies such as frustration, depression, hateful thoughts, biases, judgments, you will be pleasantly surprised how fast you will feel lighter, and automatically higher frequencies in the smallest amounts suddenly replace the lower ones and you get lighter and lighter. The more this happens you start reaping the rewards of this immediately in your outward world. When the higher emotions displace the lower ones, it is a cascade effect. When space is made the higher frequencies pour in. ( more on this later)


Gratitude is one such BRIDGE to the higher frequencies. You can find gratitude in ANY situation towards ANY one no matter how bad. How can you do this? Remember that every person and situation that you encounter has something to teach you to make you better. When you look at things differently, the things you look at change.


More practical tips forthcoming.


I love you

Author: Brown Knight

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