Welcome to 2023


Some of us run into the new year..and some walk into it.. and some have their doubts….




What if you knew exactly what you wanted to accomplish in life?


What if you did them? Did them all !!


What if you did what you dreamed of doing ?


What would that life look like if you hit every goal you had?


What would it feel like if you went out each day and did everything you set out to do in this lifetime?


What would you do in order to make all your dreams manifest into reality?


What would it feel like to surrender to your highest purpose ?


The reason many of us will read this questions and tuck them away into a mental drawer of our brains and never act upon them is because we fear that life that we so desire. A paradox for sure because what if that life was a fantasy or just a dream, and what if it does not come true? Well most fantasies I can assure you do not come true despite what Disney likes to portray on the big screen. They remain ungrounded.


Yet a concrete goal with balanced perceptions and resolute decisions and swift actions result in the outcome that lies at our hearts desire. Yet what if that was not enough. What about a higher soul purpose that has been calling out since we were young to be birthed into this world? There are goals that are from the mind and there are soul goals. I pursue the latter.


The universe has been gently nudging each of us in the direction of our highest purpose but all to often distractions of the mundane push us onto the opposite path, yet reminders are always there to return to purpose.


Will this be the year for you to return on the path of your mind or your heart or your soul? Opening up to your own divine light is the grail quest of a lifetime, in every lifetime, start yours today.


What would your life look like?




I love you

Author: Brown Knight

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