Home 2015 April 22 Catching up to your destiny

Catching up to your destiny

Catching up to your destiny

All too often we cringe and crib about our lives. ” I do not have the house that I want” I do not have the car I want” ” I do not have the family that I want” ” I am not in the job that I want” and so on. The list is endless. We say these things over and over again almost like a mantra as our negativity continues to flourish in our minds and then take hold into the real world. The more we are upset the more we speak ill and instead of blessing our future we curse it. The cycle is continuous  and everlasting till we decide to break it. The increasingly negative thoughts lead to these deflating words and then these manifest into our lives.
Yet interestingly the nature of wanting more and something  better for ourselves, our home, our lives and our families,  in some respects perpetuates the flow of positivity. So episodically and moreover unknowingly we keep saying out loud the type of home, family, car, life and job we are hoping to attain. Yet moreover we openly do not declare what we wish as we secretly fear ‘what if doesn’t true’ or more to the point ‘ what if does come true, what do we do then.’ And so we enable our secret desires to fester on the inside and do not allow it to be part of our future, and we hark our dissatisfactions out loud and while swimming in these thoughts the opposite of our desires comes true.
The universe is not without its sense of humor and fairness. It will give you all your positive desires too but slowly as whenever and  whatever happens to trickle out of your unconscious mind like a slow flowing tap, will become manifest. Yet your desires of wealth you wanted in your youth but suppressed by your negativity will manifest when you are older when you are less likely to enjoy it. It just took that long for it come out. You might get that perfect family but only after been torn apart by others while you were in a negative space. So staying focussed at all times on your desires and having a clear vision of your goals accompanied by a positive out look and attitude is paramount. This must be in the forefront of your thoughts as you embrace your destiny, that is entirely of your own making.
With all the flowing of your positive thoughts into your speech, you manage to move the energies within the cosmos to transpire to help you seek your goals. You will see them come to pass, yet  how much faith do you have to openly live your secret, namely ” I want my wishes to come true, I believe they will and I am ready to receive them” That is when you catch up to your destiny. There will be moments that I encourage you to pause and take stock of your life. You may very well be surprised that the life you are living is exactly the way you had envisioned it so many years ago. The spouse and the family is that of your choosing. The house you are living in not only is exactly to your specifications but also has everything in it that you desired. The fact that your desires at this very moment have shifted and not what you want at this point in time is not the universe’s  problem, it is yours. Our minds are fickle and constantly jumping from target to target, desire to desire and so when we have what we want, we no longer are content enough to experience it, which is why we do not even realize that we have already received and completed the desired requirements. Success is getting what you want, happiness is wanting what you get. Sometimes the life you are living is exactly what you have wanted all along.
Focussing on the vision of a blessed and healthy life, strong family connections, and a life full of joy, peace and creativity and free life of being on purpose with your goals allows the  universe enough latitude to bring all sorts of interesting realities to manifest and in ways your preconceived desires even cannot be matched.
How fast can you catch up to your destiny?


Author: Brown Knight

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