Early morning swims are the best …


So yesterday I had to do 4200 yards again.. 2.4 miles.. one end of the lake to the other is about 550 yards… so that would be about 8 trips.. or 4 round trips.


In the 25 yard pool that would be 168 laps.. or 84 round trips of 50 yards…


Yes it is a lot of math… but Here is the thing that I realized… the DISTANCE remains the same but our perceptions of how long it will take us or “omg I have so much more to go in the pool” or ” it’s only 8 trips in open water” is just a mind game…


The Same happens with TIME. we see our children grow up and in a blink of an eye we ask ourselves where as the time gone… which usually is a reflection of our own personal perception of time….


Ask any 80+ year old and they will tell you the same thing.. ” it was just yesterday that I feel I got my drivers license but that was when I was 16 where has the time gone?”


long DISTANCES feel endless.. and long TIME feels so short!!


So TIME and SPACE are just perceptions of our minds and are illusions of the manifested world..we create them so that we can get DEPTH of who we are and where we are in the universe


In the end these questions need answering.. the WHO, the WHERE but it is the WHY we are here that I feel matters the most…


so enjoying every moment of time.. wherever we are… for however long we are at any distance matters yet it doesn’t matter …


The only thing we have is this instant moment of Now that is devoid of time and space…


This moment that we are trying to hold on to is the moment of LOVE that exists outside time and space.


Ponder these thoughts I share in meditation or quiet contemplation… I did while swimming in alone silence….. I found the mind does not matter… it is just each heart beat in which the whole universe exists… and which carries us from moment to moment of the illusionary world’s


I love you

Author: Brown Knight

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