Home 2020 October 28 Thr glass of water

Thr glass of water

There are pessimists who believe the glass is half empty

There are optimists who believe that the glass is half full

There are realists who believe that there is just a glass with water inside it

Then there is me.

I believe there is no glass or water.. just LOVE and LIGHT masquerading as a glass with water

LOVE is the energetic field of intelligence

LIGHT is the energetic intention tha holds this intelligence throughout the universe

When we look with our judgments we see a glass and water.. and then further deeper Judgements see it full or empty

Yet when we look with our hearts that have opened with gratitude we see that both the glass and the water are illusionary states superimposed upon another.

We witness the dance of light and love intertwined creating this beautiful mirage at play

We all are simply holographic lights in a magnificent universe expressing and experiencing itself through us

Judgments create the density of matter and material

Love creates the light of spirit

Spirit without matter is formless

Matter without spirit is motionless
I love you

Author: Brown Knight

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