Home 2020 September 25 Autumn solstice

Autumn solstice

Autumn Equinox

Welcome to a beautiful time in the season and a remarkable moment in our own evolution. The equinox is a potent gateway of zero point energy at a time of human transformation.

There is equal amount of light and darkness as day and night are of equal length. This is a time for deeper healing as the length of light starts to decrease from this point on, and winter approaches.

The decrease in light allows us to go within and explore and light the candle of our inner wisdom rather than relying on the outer light for clarity.

We come to an increasing awareness in these quiet moments of stillness, where the pause reveals the wisdom that we seek. It is in the pause of breath and in between the heart beats where the zero point node of the wave of consciousness that the gifts are found.

It is from this point of infinite potential that everything is reborn and into this point that all returns in an endless dance of flow and ebb of cosmic energy of consciousness, intelligence and transformation.

Learning to explore deeply by hearing the calls of our inner dreams we unwind the path of awakening and purpose. The word “equinox” comes from the latin meaning “equal night”. A time for us to remember our ancient roots as harvesters of our lands and our desires.

It is a time to harvest the efforts and works of our life’s path, as we discover new avenues on our journey and bid farewell to older roads. We “gather” the wisdom from each experience and piece them together tenderly with love and observe the tapestry of our gifts, our lives and mission here on earth.

As the light reduces our senses note the change in colors of the light spectrum alerting us to the change of energy within the seasons from high to low, summer to winter. A time of serene contemplation and reflection.

Each stage of the season reflects the stages of our own inner spiritual journey. We tap into the earth based wisdom to connect to the branches of the tree of life.

This is a quantum opportunity to synchronize our awareness to nature’s wondrous harmonic cycles and seek a broader understanding into our own conscious evolution.

In the silence we rest so that we begin to face our own inner darkness as the external light of the world diminishes and prepare the birth of our Light within. This marks the time to begin the process of self growth, expansion of consciousness.

The path to our true spiritual evolution lies before us in every moment and now is a moment to honor this path and be steadfast to a grander commitment to unfold the truth of our being with love and gratitude.

“ I honor the light within for it is the balance of my existence”- DR Bhatnagar

Your powerful ally

Dr Bhatnagar
I love you

Author: Brown Knight

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