
One of the biggest fears we have is that we are alone.

Yet when we realize that the entire universe has our back and is willing to play with us, the game shifts and changes.

One of the biggest hindrances to our manifestation is the lack of belief.

Not just in our self but in the Universe.

One of the biggest reasons for being ‘stuck’ is the lack of action steps.

A car does not start without the ignition being turned on.

We are the ignition to the car that is the universe.

The journey that the car wishes to take us on is not only marvelous, but vastly beautiful and expansive.

Yet even after we have heard all the motivational videos, writings, lectures and inspirational works of others, and we get into the car, what prevents us from turning on that ignition?

The action step is literally the key to moving forward.

So how do we take this next step to turn the key of our car?


Not just for the car, but for ourselves to have this amazing opportunity to be able to drive this car that is the universe.


Overcome the hindrance of belief…. YOU ARE LOVED, YOU ARE LOVE.

Overcome the stuckness…. ACTION STEPS in LOVE

SO get IN, turn ON the car and GO for the ride of your life.

I promise you, it is the most wondrous adventure that you have ever taken.

How do I know?

I got in, I turned on my car.

I am driving !!!!
I love you

Author: Brown Knight

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