Home 2019 September 14 Harvest moon

Harvest moon

greetings beautiful souls

Welcome to the magnificent September equinox harvest full moon or corn moon. Entrenched with magic and deep transformation she arises with love and mystery,

We have spent the summer months seeding our lives with ideas and dreams and key actions, and now comes the time for harvesting these activities of opportunity. AS we enter this new season we cleanse out the crops of our unhealthy mindsets and take what we need to benefit us in the future.

Be aware that the power of this moon falls in to the Piscean constellation and so with it bringing about sensitive explorations of unexpressed triggers or emotions

To this end I have creed a powerful invocation to help you harness the energies of the full moon light

Sit comfortably, with a lit candle and repeat 3x

” I am in gratitude for the past as it brings me bountiful abundance in the coming months

I am the light that seeds, sows and reaps this harvest of my life and dreams

I am the love that is the seed and the crop of my dreams.

I cleanse my past ills and make way for future glories

I am the magic that creates, grows and picks the fruit of my labors

I am the wisdom of my heart

I manifest this wisdom through the seeds I planted and the harvest that I pull

I love all that i was, all that I am, all that I will be

I am light and the love of my life ”

Blessings of Love, Light and Wisdom
I love you

Author: Brown Knight

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