Home 2019 August 13 Gratitude for oneself

Gratitude for oneself

Everyday I do a gratitude journal and also gratitude log.

This one was on my body.

I was thankful for my eyes, nose, tongue, ears, skin

I was thankful for my sight, smell, taste, hearing, and touch

I was thankful for my beating heart, the lungs that fill with air, the stomach that digests my meals, the kidneys and the liver that clean up the toxins.

I was thankful for my skin organ that heals my cuts to keep my intact.

I was thankful for my skull that keeps my brain intact.

I was thankful for my bones that are intact and not broken.

I was thankful for my body that maintains homeostasis and keeps my going.

I was thankful for my immune system that fends off illnesses.

I was thankful for my body for keeping me alive and well and functional.

I realized that my body does so much and take so much abuse from me.

The least I can do is feed it nutritional healthy meals devoid of sugar, toxins.

I can hydrate it, I can nourish it. I can find alternative meals that will help fortify the bones, muscles, tissues, cells, blood, and lymphatics.

I can consume super foods that help the brain and other organs function better.

What are you grateful for ? And how can you help your body today?

Time to start loving this temple that I live in.

My body.
I love you

Author: Brown Knight

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