Home 2020 May 13 Book reviews

Book reviews

Hi everyone

Still getting frustrated with the state of affairs?

Getting upset over these uncertain times?

Confused of you can help yourself and your family?

Read any good books in the lockdown lately?

Well here is one..

“Don’t just survive, but thrive in the lockdown ”

Written By Dr Nitin Bhatnagar

Intuitive Cardiologist
Life Architect

Available for a free download at


Here is what some people who have reviewed it had to say

“I sat down and read this book start to finish in a morning. If you are looking to elevate your understanding of how things work and what fear and imbalance can do to your body as well as perceptions this is a great place to start. It is digestible with great calls to action at the end to help further yourself and unstick yourself from some of the things preventing you from moving forward. Highly recommend this book.” -Jillian L

“The book was strategic, well through out and smart, much like the virus which Dr. Bhatnagar so elliquently describes in it. He gives a comprehensive understanding and explanation of this virus how it has effected society on a mental, physical and emotional level. In my opinion, this book is just another means in which Nitin doctors people on how to live a healthier, Fuller life. This book can speak to all types of people and gives several examples on how one can better conquer this quarantine, without disrupting their lives any further that this virus already has.” -Lisa F

“Easy to read, poetic, and a delight to explore as Dr Bhatnagar navigates the chaos of the lockdown” -Mark P

“Contemplative, and comprehensively written with mind-blowing insights to help lead a more empowered life”- John A

“Wish I had read this book earlier during my quarantine. Dr.Bhatnagar provides simple and easy tools to get grounded and stay inspired ” -Linda G

“Powerful, and impactful. Dr Bhatnagar is able to provide clarity on so many levels to help achieve balance in the day to day living. A must read book especially during these uncertain times. Thank you ” -Alice M

Love the reviews coming in..

If you haven’t had a chance, head over and download it for free..

Enjoy !
I love you

Author: Brown Knight

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