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Tree support

Was walking back from work the other day I noticed this tree ( see picture). It got the wheels of my mind turning. I have associated trees with strength and being grounded. SO why would something in nature that is already strong need these wooden beams of support. Then it hit me. Just because something […]
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Full moon October 2018

The magical Hunter’s Full Moon arrives in the midst of a beautiful autumn foliage. The energy of the moon is at its highest when it is full due to its powerful electromagnetic fields that are created as they interact with our electromagnetic fields. Our DNA holds most of our vast ancient wisdom within our
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Remaking yourself

We are constantly rebuilding ourselves. Day in and day out. Every idea that breaks our thought patterns is there to challenge us to rethink our life, and our place in it. Any new teachings or experiences that we encounter may either break our foundations or become the ingredients to rebuild it stronger. I have
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