What If the narrative was different what would the reality have become? Think about it for a few moments. What if pivotal moments in history were never taken by historical figures, what would the outcome have been.
What If Merlin decided to never find and teach young Arthur, would the Knights of the round table have ever been created.
What If Einstein said that quantum physics was too complicated and never bothered to have generated E=mc2 would the theory of relativity been discovered.
What If the prince was too nervous to kiss the sleeping beauty would she still be asleep.
What If Jesus said that public speaking was too difficult and chose not to speak to any one about his message of Love, would there have been a religion.
What If Neil Armstrong said that he was too scared of heights and chose not to join the space program, who would have gone to space?
What If Peter Pan was too afraid of flying and never have helped the Lost boys and Wendy and her brothers, would they get home.
What If Gandhi said that fighting the British was too much of hard work, and stayed timid, would India have ever reached independence.
What If Moses was too tired of wandering the dessert and gave up within a day or two of being lost, would he have received the commandments.
What If YOU had not taken the various decisions in your life, would you be where you are today. Moreover what if you have STILL NOT taken the decisions that you are meant to take in fulfilling your soulful purpose, are you not creating that alternate reality that you would rather not be in IF you had a choice?
The crazy part is that each of us are a historical figure of prominence in our own story, our own drama in life, and like all these examples and countless humans forging the course of history, we each are invited to take risk and brave our fears to create history. Each of us bend the fork in the road and branch out our life daily with the choices that we make.
What keeps us from making those leaps to our divine destiny is misplaced fears and doubts that erects barriers to our own progress. When we say yes when we should have said no, or said no when we should have said yes. Did we make those choices with authenticity and integrity or out of fear.
What IF.
The beauty about life is that it will keep expanding in its entirety to explore ALL possibilities in all possible realities of earths and universes through all possible timelines of all versions of us. The only question now that remains is what choice are you going to make that will keep you inspired enough to fulfill your divine purpose.
I love you
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