I do not know how my posts are received on social media. Whether the reader spends the time to read each line and let it digest, or do they skim through the sea of words without much comprehension. I remember a conversation I had with a social media acquaintance a few years ago that changed my thinking. I had posted that morning and happened to meet her at the gym that day. I inquired if she had read the post from that day as unknowingly it was literally answering the problem that she was facing.
Her reply surprised me. “ Honestly your posts have too many words and I just scroll through the pictures.” Well my first internal response was of disbelief. Was I writing in too complicated a fashion? Was I not making my point clear enough ? And so the spiral of self inquiry began. Over the next several weeks, I made my posts shorter, and used briefer sentence structures. Again, I asked her for feedback after this time interval. The response was the same.
I realized a few things in that moment. It did not make a difference to this individual as she did not possess the bandwidth for expansion at her platform of understanding at that time. And that was fine. Each person grows at their own level, and these writings are there to help people at all levels and they will benefit when they are ready, not when I think they are ready. So often we try to change people before they are ready to make the shift.
The next ah ha moment was to never change who we are for anyone or change the message that is being offered through us. The words will land when they land in whatever fashion and they will arrive at the right time and place just as a ripple in the tide reaches the shore at the correct frequency when it is meant to arrive, and with the precise energy.
Moreover the message is exactly the right length of transmitted wisdom. Any shorter and the reader will miss out on what is to be delivered. Too long and it misses the audience’s attention. In each case the disservice is on the reader and me. Each is precisely the right length.
Our job is not to numb things down to meet someone at their level but the onus is on each of us to help uplevel each other and it first begins by upleveling ourselves.
So whether my post is too long or too short, or whether scrolled past, my task is to write as living transmissions when the spark of inspiration arrives. I know with certainty that each one is in the Goldilocks zone of being “ just right”. Each post filled with love, gratitude and wisdom.
I love you
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