Met a 47 years old patient the other day who came in to the cardiology office to see me. He looked a little anxious. His heart rate was up and so was his blood pressure. I inquired as to what was troubling him, as the vital signs do not lie and was a clear indication that he was out of sorts.


He tried to deny that anything was wrong and he was not having any symptoms but his facial expressions, body language and eye movements all pointed to the contrary. I asked again as to what was wrong.


Embarrassed or ashamed the confessions came out one by one. He had gone back to smoking. He excused himself by saying that the smoking helps calm the nerves. SO I asked again, what got his nerves up into a tizzy. He admitted to gaining weight after eating unhealthy choices over the last few months despite having had his heart attack a year ago. He did not exercise. But I sensed there was more.


“But what are you afraid of ?”I asked.


I paused and just waited. Then it came.


“ My brother in law just died of a heart attack and he was just a few years older than me, my neighbor was diagnosed with metastatic cancer and I don’t think he is going to make it. My ex wife’s husband ended up in the hospital with heart failure and he is a few years younger than me”


He went silent. Then he said with his eyes gazing at the carpeted floor of the patient room. “ I don’t want to end up like any of these men, and I know I am unhealthy.”


I replied, “ Those who do not practice healthy lifestyles such as diet and exercise will one day be forced to journey on the path of illness.”


He shook his head in acknowledgement. “ I am ready to make a change, can you please help me?”


“ of course” I told him. During the last 15 years, I have studied nutrition and exercise in addition to cardiology and many alternative arts to find the other side of the balanced equation of healing in addition to modern medicine.


We came up with a preliminary plan to start off his awakening towards better health.


Sometimes our spark to change occurs due to a fear. But the commitment to change occurs when we surrender to the facts, admit the reality of the situation of where we are and understand where we want to get to. The path begins to form when the purpose is firmly embraced. The rest becomes history.




I love you

Author: Brown Knight

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