Have you ever written a letter to your future self? It is a fun exercise worth trying. Thanking your future self for living the life that you had dreamed up with goals and intentions, hard work and intentions. There is something very powerful about writing this sort of letter to the next version of yourself, in effect manifesting the life that you wish to create with focussed imagination and visualized actions.
It is almost like an energetic chord that tugs you into the version of self that you choose to create. But have you ever waited for the reply from your future self? Now that is a magic worth exploring, by listening to the whispers of soft dreams and guidances in the ethers.
“ Thank you for the hard work and those big dreams” – with Love Future YOU.
The future you is just as grateful to you in this present moment as you are of your future self. In fact the past, the present and future versions of you all exist at the same moment as strings of pearls on the necklace of time, and each one is just as important as the other in the thread of the delicate fabric of the cosmos.
What we may feel as torture in the present, as we put in the hard work and suffering are basically sowing the seeds for a better version of our future. The toil is never wasted. Nothing is wasted in an ever recycled model of the universe.
Thank your past, thank your future and fill your present with gratitude and love. Today becomes the past of tomorrow, and today is the future of yesterdays past. All versions of you are linked with the thin cord of love that travels from the heart of you from birth to death, and it is along this energetic cord that we can communicate to all timelines of ourselves. With thanks for our past for without his or her sacrifices we would not be who we are today. Time is always just relative. It is only our unconditional love that is eternally constant.
I love you
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