My 88 year old patient met me yesterday as she usually does for her bi annual checkup. She was quite spry for her age and always enthusiastic about her activities and chores that kept her mind and body busy each day. She reported back all her adventures at home and her trips to see her family members especially her great grand children.
We chatted about her rising blood pressures at home, which she reminded was related to people irritating her, especially when she came to doctor’s offices.
“ Your BP is normal for me Mrs P. “
“ Yeah that is because you don’t irritate me like other people do” she replied.
I completed my end of the visit with a few more questions and listening to her cardiovascular and pulmonary systems.
she slowly got up and turned around and asked “ So do you think I am gonna live?”
I winked at her “ Yup, all the way to the moment you die.”
She laughed. “ that is why I like you, you always tell me the truth.”
Another satisfied patient encounter.
I love you
Great. You have a gift with people.