Welcome to the Lions Gate Portal 8/8


What is the Lions gate portal one might ask? It is noteworthy to understand this piece of mystical history as it impacts each of us in some fashion or the other on this day.


On August 8 each year when the sun is in Leo the stars Sirius, Orion’s Belt and the earth all line up providing a powerful vortex and portal of energy. The ancient cultures such as the Egyptians worshipped Sirius as our spiritual sun which illuminates the truths of our soul as our earthly sun illuminates the physical realms, thus bringing us advanced wisdoms.


High frequency energy is delivered into our very beings thereby allowing us to enhance our spiritual energies by raising our consciousness. From a Physics perspective we are 70% water and the shape of the water is based on its vibrations within the cells. These frequency downloads alter the oscillations of the cells of the body via electromagnetic pulsations and quite literally showering us with new DNA activations and so recreating us in to a new version of ourselves. We unlock and upgrade the memory of our cells to bring us more love and healing.


Our harmoniously activated cells help us bring about a change in the trajectory of our lives with a greater focus onto our divine purpose, abundance in health and wealth, and more heart opening. 8 is a symbolic number signifying transformation and balanced energies. 8/8/2024 aka 8/8/8 so a powerhouse in numerology providing a bridge of spiritual and material realms, energy and matter. Leo or the Lion represents leadership, love and creativity, all qualities that are intensified in this corridor of the portal gateway.


It is a time for rapid growth and focussing on manifesting our divine mission, by tapping into our spiritual attributes. With gratitude we can welcome this energy into our lives. In ancient times the Egyptians coincided the rising of Sirius with the flooding of the River Nile with nourishing rains and so marking the start of a new year in other cultures. The gateway opens us to the possibility of healing old wounds of the heart, opening us to our intuitions and downloading our dreams and visions.


Embrace your creative side, and live in the abundance of our highest potential. Blessings to you on this most holy gateway. May you be able to live the life you have always dreamed and become your greatest version by seeing your own most beautiful light




I love you

Author: Brown Knight

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