Each of us are plagued with some sort of problem. Life cannot exist in a vacuum and so too neither can we without having to suffer through some sort of issue that appears more of an obstacle to our day or life. They may pop at work or in our home life. They may be personal or societal. At times they maybe financial or even a physical issue such as an ill health state. Either way these problems give us mental stresses, which in turn create more anguish, fears, doubts and judgments and ironically based on these frustrations, beget more problems.
When the disrupted flow in our life occurs and we cannot immediately find a way out or a possibility to remove it, anxiety sets in. This old yet very evident and primal emotion is nothing more than stacked up fears. We may hurry to try to establish resolution of the path of calm and peace as we feel the pressure of the new knot in our day.
Now unless the challenge is life threatening or a devastating one, we may have the time to resolve it with patience and poise. Life is like a puzzle and requires the ability to see the grander picture and so find the next move is an art and not a race.
Most of the time we are looking for a permanent solution to a temporary problem, because of our own impatiences and urgent need to bring ourselves back to the happy state that may have felt prior the problem rearing its ugly head.
All problems have some sort of solution. This is nature of opposites. A problem must have its opposite to exist. Now at times we may not like the solution or even the problem, but that seems to be more of an “us” issue. Life’s journey would be most boring if it was not filled with stones, rocks and potholes along the path. Each stone, rock and pothole has a way to be able to be removed, it just requires presence, patience, resilience and trust. I would invite one is to look at all problems as temporary as time is the river that takes all problems at a never ending downstream course.
Problems are designed by their very nature to help us grow and evolve. Beyond the problem lies not just the solution but our evolution. Life’s problems are not obstacles to be avoided, but challenges to be overcome. This is the meaning of being human, to experience life and finding solutions that makes understand the meaning of being divinity.
I love you
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