Have you ever spoken to your plants in your home or at work? Chances are that you have. People play music for their little bushes and research has shown that it helps the plants be healthy and grow. I know I have. As a child I recall my mom used to play classical music for all our shrubbery in the living room each day, may be that was the secret to her green thumb.


But here is an interesting fact. In the Solomon Islands, a volcanic archipelago near north east Australia, there is a tribe that practices an ancient technique to remove plantation such as trees. They do not chop it down but instead the whole village gathers around the tree and starts to curse it, and yell at it, and scream at it. A few days later the tree naturally begins to die, and decay and then easier to remove.


This got me thinking. So if we can sing praise and say positive statements and make things grow and thrive, we can clearly do the opposite with negative wordings. How often do we do this to the people around us? It is quite evident at the work place but more so when we speak to family members and in close friends circles ( aka gossip), especially when we down speak to our children. I wonder what are the long term effects of this behavior to their growth, for after all are they not like flowers blooming or weeds wilting depending on their perceptions of what and how they are being spoken to?


Are we ourselves not products of the same speak while we were growing up? When parents, teachers, peers, spouses all communicated with us either kindly or unkindly, it is wise to look back and reflect at those experiences and see how their words have or may have altered our own life’s journey.


Yet let us go even deeper. What about our own self talk? “ I am stupid, I am unsuccessful, I cannot do that, I am not good enough, I do not know” All these truncated judgments of ourselves in various experiences bring our non productive results. Yet statements such as “ I am grateful, I am worthy, I am love, I have the ability to do anything, I can do this, I will do this, I love to complete my goals” carry a different energy and also different results. I would encourage those skeptical to test out these practical theories for a month and see the difference and try the opposite and observe the same.


Our thoughts are frequencies that once spoken out loud have the ability to create or destroy. We are all made up of energy waves and at any instant of time act as manifested particles. What we think, say, and do all translate into our realities. We are more in control of our lives than we care to believe.


With the wrong words we can kill our dreams and with the right words we can launch them. Everything is a Geometric Ordered Design in a frequency that exists within us and all around us. Each of us a part of the blue print of the Grand Organized Divinity in the form of creation through cymatics, as sound and light energetics going in and out of manifestation at all scales of existence.


Self talk is perhaps one of the greatest ways we have as an individual to heal ourselves and others as we can literally change the behaviors of our cells that are constantly listening to our commands in our body. Imagine what we can do to help others and our environment just by our words ( like the tribesman of the Solomon Islands).


Love yourself more each day. Say it out loud.




I love you

Author: Brown Knight

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