I am sorry but was it my job to fill your day with joy?
Every day I see unhappy people. Bitter, angry and frustrated. Cursing under their breath about the government, their coworkers, their family members, their pets, their rotten lives. When asked why, it is usually blaming the above for their particular situations and their moods. I find myself joining in. I am no exception. But is it really someone else’s fault for all those things happening to you? How is that possible? Are all these entities out to get you, and at the same time???
I will ask a simple question and ask yourself this with earnest. Is someone stealing your joy or are you giving it away? It is very easy to blame someone for how we feel when we are feeling down, as we do not take onus for our feelings. If we are feeling sad then we are feeling sad. End of story. Not we are feeling sad because someone is making us feel sad. No one is making you be sad or doing anything to make you feel anything. You feel it, you own it, you process it , you release it. No blame.Now it’s entirely different of what the trigger is to make you feel sad. Yet it is still fine to note that you are feeling sad because of the way something made you feel.
So for example I am feeling sad because the boss didn’t congratulate me on a job well done. The boss is not stealing my joy making me sad, yet I am giving away my joy to the boss and replacing it with sadness. It is fine to accept the fact that I am feeling sad because I was expecting validation for the work that I did and never got it. But then the trigger is not the boss, it is the lack of validation. This now stems from a whole different set of issues of “lack of appreciation ” Retranslated it is lack of recognition as an individual, but this could be stemming from an entire lifetime of “lack of……..” that needs clarification, and release.
You don’t blame someone else for making you feel happy or positive do you? That you and I are more than thrilled to take proud ownership. So why not the negative emotions. They may be big, they may be scary, but they are yours.
Give voice to your feelings and let them be heard. Not through blame but through explanation and acceptance. Once this happens you are able to expand the search for triggers and dissolve them. Only at the end of this search will you and I find peace to expand our consciousness with out the daily muddle of emotional torment.
It is not my job to fill your day with joy, neither it is your job to fill mine. It is your job to stop giving it away to every person you meet that triggers an old wound within your heart.
I love you
Thank you for the excellent advice/reminder of how to release anger, fear, anxiety or distress!