Have you ever noticed the pencil in your hand? I mean really taken a moment to examine it with clarity and presence. I recently did. I wondered where have all the parts come from? I dissected each part of it.


The wood comes from South Africa. The saw that is made of steel must have been mined from iron ore from another part of the world. The lead or graphite was brought from Mexico or Brazil. The ferrule made from copper was mined in South America. The eraser is derived from rubber trees that were planted in Malaysia which are not even native to that country. The paint and the glue may have come the farthest reaches of the earth.


Then the thousands of people who have come together to make this ingenious tool. Each one from different races, religions, colors of skin, ideologies, genders, all leaving their backgrounds and working towards a common goal, the pencil.


Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror? I mean really taken a moment to examine yourself with clarity and presence. I recently did. I wondered where have all the parts come from? I dissected each part of me.


I am the sum of bones, muscles, tissues, cells and molecules and atoms. Each of these atoms have come from the bursting of countless suns and stars as they ended their own lives and recycled their atomic structures into space to birth life in the form of planets, and life forms such as us.


We literally are stardust that originated millions of years ago as atoms. We are nothing more that the collective efforts of ancient atoms that started to come together from all parts of the universe eons ago.


A humbling thought that we more than the sum of our parts. We are more than the collective problems that we encounter each day. We are more. We are the efforts of eons of divine consciousness and evolution with the focussed intention of expression of individual and collective experiences.


Each of us is a tool. A pencil of sorts, being manufactured from far off origins with the express goal of creating. Just like a pencil that has the capacity of writing, drawing, painting, creating, expressing ideas, recording history and the dreams of the future, we too are a tool of the universe with great capacity, here for a purpose. And like the pencil we are not here by random accident of creation but thoughtful planning, making, and execution with infinite patience and precision by our Source. We are the ingredients of the cosmos in human form.


Find your pencil. Find your purpose, Find you. You are more.




I love you

Author: Brown Knight

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