Medal Monday




I put up this hook after several years and hung these race end acknowledgments. Some may think of these as pride ornaments. I thought differently. I recalled the sacrifices that were made in order to achieve them. I have never received a medal in my life for any sporting endeavor. Perhaps because I never did any sporting activities till 2 years ago when I decided to race for Ironman and in the meantime participated in numerous 5Ks, 10k, half marathon, full marathon, half Ironman and full Ironman races.




The postponing of the pleasures of partying with friends, or taking vacations, or eating yummy junk foods, or just being lazy on weekends were all part of my training practices. I “lost” every weekend for almost 2 years to train and learn how to swim, bike, run, and do strength training. I was ridiculed by many, but was able to inspire far greater number of people to get off the couch and start exercising. My kids nourished the desire to spend time with me by discovering their own exercise abilities by biking and running with me on my training days.




The sacrifice is not comprehensible in the short term but learned in the long run. What one gives up immediately maybe huge, till down the road one earns enormously through the suffering journey. It is only through gratitude for the entire process that one understands the experience. Right from tying the shoe lace prior to the long run, to the strenuous bike ride of 100 miles or just crossing the finish line is all part of the exercise of sacrifice. To postpone the gratification for later. It may take months to years but it will come.




I used to always say “nothing is impossible”. It seemed like a valiant thing to say before entertaining any seemingly difficult task. Till I discovered another phrase that had a higher vibrational frequency. “ Anything is possible”. The former opens the door for the mind to overcome its obstacles, step through and tackle what is needed to be done.




But “ anything is possible” opens the heart space to possibility. The field of intention becomes expansive and abundant. When these words are uttered, the door no longer exists, the barriers no longer can hold us back from our inspired destiny. Try both phrases and see which one resonates with the mind and which one resonates with the heart. Both will break the inertia to step forward, but only the latter will take you further and far.




It is not about the medals. This hook and its decor are a constant reminder in elating any lingering doubts of the mind and transforming them from impossible to possible, and nothing to anything making all dreams manifest with not just will and brute force of the mind but with love and wisdom of the heart.




I love you

Author: Brown Knight

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