Home 2020 October 31 Happy halloween full moon

Happy halloween full moon

Oct 31st Rare blue moon.

We welcome this auspicious full moon on a Halloween night. The next rare occurrence will be in 2039 !!

2020 has been full of surprises. This is yet another golden opportunity to to create space for change, that supports our personal and spiritual growth.

The liminal line between the shadows and the light are the representations of the shift from summers end to the dark of winter where all of nature does within to slow down, hibernate and self reflect.

From ancient lore this line has been the thinnest so that the outer worlds can pass freely into our world. The legend of fairies and spirits come forth to meet us on our realm. Yet these legends are not to be taken lightly especially on this full moon as it reflects our own inner demons, fears, troubles that come to the light to be healed and revealed.

It is a time to be able to look back at what we envisioned during the new moon cycle, and what imbalances may have come up and release them now. Bring froth the intentions with clarity of mind, heart and body.

During this time we may feel exhausted, tired, emotionally drained or out of control with our feelings. The physical fatigues will dissipate as this cosmic tidal wave of energetics passes over us. When the body sits still with contemplation and imagination, the soul is free to explore the dreams of the higher purpose.

Find the child within and explore the imagination of possibility. This cosmic download triggers deep emotional healing that requires us to face what we our minds protects us from in each moment, whether it is the pain or suffering, or loss, it is to be felt and transmuted with love.

There are several intention rituals that one can perform. One method is to write out your intentions on a paper. Burn the piece of paper with a candle and be in the feeling that the breeze of the spirit lifts out the message and intentions for the universe to hear and reply. One can also meditate on their intentions and do the invocation below.

To this end I have created a powerful invocation for the All Hallows Eve Full Moon. Sit comfortably and breathe in this light and Repeat 3x

“I welcome the radiance of the full moon light into my life

I transcend my transgressions

I allow for the ancestral timelines to be healed.

I surrender to the wisdom of the ancient knowledge

I hold no fears of this night

I am forever protected with the love of my heart and soul

I offer the love of being to the wounds of my past

I transmute them with love and light

I am the light of divinity

I shine my light bright towards all my future timelines

I ground this expansion of luminescence into this moment. “

Blessings of love, light and wisdom to you all on this beautiful and rare night


I love you

Author: Brown Knight

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