Home 2019 August

Archive: August 2019

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An interesting story I enter the room and sit down in front of my patient. We had a long discussion about his ailments, his progress and his setbacks after his cardiac surgery. The conversation comes to a close and as I get up to leave, he smiles holding back the tears. I stop and inquire […]
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Witnessing the earth

The other day I was mediating while standing in the water at the beach. The water lapped against my feet and I energetically branched out. Suddenly I saw the world. The whole globe as one, floating in space with its beautiful kingdoms of plant life, animal life, humanity, water world. In all its vitality. Whilst
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Another fun story corollary to the last one. So recently the night before the family was leaving on a long trip I began to miss them. Wife and kids. I came downstairs to the kitchen and went over to the pantry and saw some something move in the corner of the door. I took a […]
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Gratitude for oneself

Everyday I do a gratitude journal and also gratitude log. This one was on my body. I was thankful for my eyes, nose, tongue, ears, skin I was thankful for my sight, smell, taste, hearing, and touch I was thankful for my beating heart, the lungs that fill with air, the stomach that digests my […]
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Funny story about nitin

Funny story. Wifey and kids were recently traveling on a long distance flight. They played, slept a little, and kept themselves generally busy despite the interruptions of the food service and the lights coming on periodically for cabin service. Also during the flight there was a young man sitting along the same
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Slowing down

“It is wise to Slow down the speed of your mind to the pulse of your heart and then slow down the pace of your heart to the drum beat of your soul. Here in the silence lies the wisdom and magic of the universe within” -dr Nitin Bhatnagar …. ………… I love you
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Challenge and support

” I welcome every support and challenge with love, wisdom and gratitude” This is my daily mantra when I wake up. For with every challenge comes support. For every support will breed new challenges For at the edge of support and challenge lies my growth. Growth is the quintessential birthplace of love
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