Home 2019 June

Archive: June 2019


Time is the currency by which we define ourselves. Imagine a moving car traveling from end of the street to the other. Now imagine you are able to fast forward that car going past you faster and faster, towards infinite speed. What do you then see? Nothing. If you slow it down you are able […]
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Dare to be unique

It is ok to be different. I was born differently than others. I view experiences and life events differently than others. Some approve of my point of view Some disapprove of my point of view. I don’t care. I respect someone else’s points of views. It is who I am It is my willingness to […]
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Connections of lifetimes

Why think separately from this life and the next when we are born from the last.? It is the yearning of understanding of our great journey through the cosmos over lifetimes that we seek in every lifetime so as to give our own timeline an as-semblance of sense. What makes our immortality bearable is in […]
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Getting angry at God

People sometimes get angry at God or the Universe and throw tantrums and blame the Source for all their ills, or rotten luck , or bad experiences whether financial or in relationships or in business or in life overall. WE have all been there, in the throes of frustration clutching our fists in fury waving […]
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Drinking your vegetables

Ever had difficulty with eating your vegetables? Ever had difficulty convincing your children to eat their vegetables? I was inspired by my friend Jillian Lentini who shared her thoughts with me on Drinking my Vegetables !! So I decided a concoction. Out came the Vitamix In went the following 1 Cup of romaine
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