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Archive: 2014

Looking up at the stars

Looking up at the stars The loud  noises of the car horns, the brightness from the city street lights,  the luminescent buildings and electric commercial  signs, combined with the fast pace of our lives leave much to be desired as  we keep our heads down towards the ground and get to our preconceived destinations.
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“I am”prejudice

” I am ” prejudice We are constantly bombarded by the media with the news reports of hate crimes. Bigotry, infidelity, nepotism and crimes against cultural, religious,gender or societal groups are so common these days that it does not even phase us for the most part. We see these reports, it may make
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Holding on to the reins

Holding on to the reins The  freedom on the backs of a running horse, galloping on an open terrain, with the wind blowing in your hair gives you an exhilarating feeling. Bonded to the animal, you roam happily as you hold on to the reins and guide the adventurous experience. Similarly we live our lives […]
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Hearing the foghorn

Hearing the foghorn It is early morning, the sun is barely up. In the early parts of dawn, you are in the water in your row boat. Off to your task of fishing, you head towards the middle of the lake. Surrounded by the morning mist, the scene is quiet and untouched and peaceful. However […]
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Waiting for the printer

Waiting for the printer You hit the print button on your chosen document. Sitting there you watch for the printer to start humming and feed the paper and start printing your request. Boredom, impatience, and frustration set in. How often do we experience these sensations that lead to our irritability, anger, and
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