Home 2014 June

Archive: June 2014

The Nature of Seeds and Trees

The Nature of seeds and trees There are old trees, new trees, big trees, small trees, green trees, brown trees, red trees.Trees can grow pretty much anywhere given the right conditions set out in nature.  Trees come from seeds and seeds come from the fruit of the trees. All trees are beautiful in their own […]
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Wearing your life vest

Wearing your life vest On the plane there are so many safety instructions to watch out for before you take off. The airline staff go through an elaborate demonstration for seat belts, no smoking, emergency evacuation procedures, wearing your oxygen mask and of course how to put on your life vest. If you look
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Getting the bad report card

Getting the bad report card. A,B,C,D,E,F….Pass, or Fail, grades on a report card.  We strive towards the Pass or the A grade, and when achieved we are happy. When a lower grade or Fail grade  occurs then this disrupts our demeanor and we get upset. We continue on this roller coaster of trying to fulfill […]
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