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Archive: 2012

Saying Thank you

The upcoming season of Thanksgiving is round the corner. A wonderful time to sit with family and at the dinner table enjoy turkey, gravy, cranberry sauce, yams, wines, perhaps carrots and salads too. Polished off with warm pumpkin or apple pie and cream ( or even better ice cream!) makes for a rewarding 4 day […]
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Being a Leaf

  This season the leaves are everywhere. Mostly on the ground, but the beautiful fall foliage is very  much part  of the New England scene. A time for warm apple cider, pumpkin bisque soup, and butternut squash ravioli ahh ! the delight of the fall harvest season. However much as we appreciate the season and […]
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Brushing your Teeth

  There are several morning ablutions that we all perform. It is a necessity. But when do we find the time to carve out moments for ourselves when we can be in silent contemplation. Such moments are rewarding and get us back into sync with our true selves even if it is for a few […]
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Giving and Receiving

How often do we spend our days frustrated, angry, irritable at someone or something or at a situation that has  occurred ? Perhaps far too many times in the day. Why do we let others take our good disposition and allow us to have a bad day? why do we let others steal our joy? […]
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A Clean Slate

Have you ever wondered what your life was before? Before what you might ask? Before everything. Before the frustrations, the disappointments, the regrets, the anger, the resentments, the planning, the stress. Before the running to work, the hurrying of the meal, the shuttling of kids to infinite after school
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Your Inner Voice

Have you ever had that tune stuck in your head from a song that you could not place or a catchy tune that you just cannot forget and cannot stop humming whenever your mind wanders? It happens to me all the time. Invariably it is the same depending on my mood, with the Lion King […]
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Traffic Jams

Everywhere I go I seem to land up in traffic jams. Which every country, or state I visit, I meet them. Whether I leave early or I leave late, whether it is during school time or not, I end up in a jam of some sorts either due to a broken down car, an accident […]
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One in a Billion

I recently went on a trip to India on a holiday. There was much to see upon my immediate arrival, even leaving the airport terminal. There was the bustling of people everywhere. Men, women, old and young. Everybody was darting around, seemingly aimlessly, but in fact all with a purpose. Everybody had somewhere to
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A Day at the Beach

      I was traveling on vacation a while back and ended up at the beach. My wife was sitting on the beach chair with her book, and I was pacing up and down looking for something to do, as I am usually not some one who is accustomed to sitting still. My idea of […]
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